TU development and documentation


This is a normative document that is part of the design documentation, which defines the technical requirements for the product / product, and also includes procedures by which they determine compliance with these requirements.

Why do you need to develop specifications?

Technical specifications (TU) are developed for the product / product intended for independent delivery / provision and regulate the relationship between the manufacturer / supplier and the consumer / user.
Technical specifications, which are a separate document and must include the whole range of requirements for the manufacture, control, acceptance, delivery, storage and disposal of the product / product.
Technical specifications are developed by the decision of the manufacturer / supplier or at the request of the consumer / customer. TUs are reviewed at least once every five years after their entry into force or the last inspection. The inspection of technical specifications and voluntary registration is carried out by the authorized body of Ukraine.

Regulatory documents in accordance with which we develop TU:

  • SOU KZPS 74.9-02568182-0032016 Technical skills of Ukraine. Establish a standard type of incitement, a formal designation, a designation, acceptance of the official order;
  • STU-N 4486:2005 System of design documentation. Establish a typical type of encourage technical minds;
  • GOST 2.114-95 Unified system for design documentation. Technical specifications

Important information:

– TU is developed for one specific product, substance, material;
– the requirements established in TU must not contradict the mandatory requirements of regulatory documents applicable to these products;
– during the control and periodic testing of products, the manufacturer may refer to specifications;
– can serve as a document for subsequent certification.

Documents required for the development of technical specifications:

1. Certificate of state. registration of the enterprise of the developer (payer) TU.
2. A full description of the product / product / service for which the specifications are developed.
3. The list of raw materials used in the manufacture and conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological examination (if necessary).
4. Technological instruction (process) or production map.

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